Monday, January 28, 2013

Two types of girls..

There are two types of girls, One type who are toughened by circumstances and hardships, who have been out there in the world alone, who have fought battles and worked their way up in the hard way.
They are independent and strong. They may not care much about uncombed hair or unironed clothes, because they know better than to think that a girl's value is in her looks or in the gold she adorns. They may not be graceful in their ways or poised in their speech since they simply never had time to polish themselves up.
And then there is the type who get everything served to them in a silver platter. Those who are spoiled by been waited upon and their every whim been catered to, who never had to move a hair to get what they want.
They are escorted to wherever they go by doting parents. They get annoyed when their wishes are not fulfilled at the rate they want. They are groomed up to be “feminine” in all their ways.
I've always found that it's the first category that can be true friends. But it's a pity to see that the second is the type that is mostly admired in this country.

Why should being feminine should be synonymous to being fragile?

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