Wednesday, January 9, 2013

How many open source developers does it take to change a lightbulb?

The answer is: 17. Seventeen to argue about the license; 17 to argue about the brain-deadedness of the lightbulb architecture; 17 to argue about a new model that encompasses all models of illumination and makes it simple to replace candles, campfires, pilot lights,and skylights with the same easy-to-extend mechanism; 17 to speculate about the secretive industrial conspiracy that ensures that lightbulbs will burn out frequently; 1 to finally change the bulb; and 16 who decide that this solution is good enough for the time being.


-Free for All by Peter Wayner


  1. An engineer, a manager and a computer scientist drive together in a car. The breaks fail and the car drives of the road. Luckily nobody gets hurt. After they get out the manager says: "Lets analyse our situation and find the best solution to keep on driving". The engineer answers: "No need for a meeting, I have my swiss army knife with me and can fix the breaks in no time". "Naaa", says the computer scientist, "let's just push the car back on the road, keep on driving, and see if the breaks fail again".

  2. I see so many page views to this post in these two days :) Can someone tell me how?

  3. I've always heard it with a sysadmin that says "Lets turn the car off and turn it back on again"

  4. K Girl, I've got the link to this page from south of Russia Drupal developers Skype chat :)

  5. wow, thanks Anonymous :) Also found it was tweeted by a Drupal big boss. This got 591 views by now!

  6. Me too, Dries's tweet is magic

  7. Also came here via Dries.

  8. Hello there thridworld :) Regards from far east
