Monday, September 3, 2012

Eclipse Configurations

Eclipse startup is controlled by the options in $ECLIPSE_HOME/eclipse.ini. If $ECLIPSE_HOME is not defined, the default eclipse.ini in your Eclipse installation directory is used.

eclipse.ini is a text file containing command-line options that are added to the command line used when Eclipse is started up

All lines after -vmargs are passed as arguments to the JVM, so all arguments and options for eclipse must be specified before -vmargs (just like when you use arguments on the command-line)

-vm (Executable, Main) locate the Java VM to use to run Eclipse. It should be the full file system path to an appropriate: Java jre/bin directory, Java Executable, Java shared library (jvm.dll or, or a Java VM Execution Environment description file.
-startup (Executable) The location of jar used to startup eclipse. The jar referred to should have the Main-Class attribute set to org.eclipse.equinox.launcher.Main.
--launcher.library (Executable) the location of the eclipse executable's companion shared library.
-showSplash (Executable, Main) specifies the bitmap to use in the splash screen.
--launcher.XXMaxPermSize (Executable) If specified, and the executable detects that the VM being used is a Sun VM, then the launcher will automatically add the -XX:MaxPermSize= vm argument. The executable is not capable of detecting Sun VMs on all platforms.
--launcher.defaultAction specifies the default action to take when the launcher is started without any "-" arguments on the command line.
-vmargs [vmargs*] (Executable, Main) Used to customize the operation of the Java VM to use to run Eclipse.

For more infor:

More Options:

Optimal Settings:

My current settings (Eclipse Helios running in CentOS)


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